Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Her Imperial Fluffiness

Last night, Her Imperial Fluffiness deigned to spend a not insignificant portion of her time in my company. I was, of course, appropriately appreciative and expressed my deep resounding gratitude for her presence as she generously aided my naturally inept attempts to sew together the squares of the latest blanket I’ve been knitting by testing both its comfort and the effectiveness of my stitching endeavours with her not insignificant body weight. Ever so helpful.

As her paws absently gripped then released… gripped then released… gripped then released… those ridiculously loopy threads of  my inexpert handiwork, her engine slipped into overdrive, the revving just loud enough to blur the dialogue of the movie she clearly knew was of no interest to me. Why else would I have put the remote control ever so slightly out of my reach?

Later, when the rest of the population of The Rock was foolishly squandering those annoyingly quiet small hours, she used her remarkable 7th sense to determine that, with Dr Dad away in London, a little company and conversation would cheer me up. Who could fail to be delighted by the pad pad prod…pad pad prod… of Her Highness on their flaccid cheek?  Or the stomp stomple stomp that accompanies the wafting of a splendidly feathery appendage beneath their nose as Her Majesty makes her way to the bedside table to commence deftly swatting anything smaller and lighter than a house brick onto the floor? 
Not I.
In daylight hours, she is often equally as generous with her assistance. When I write, she offers valuable criticism.

And her contribution to my household chores is incalculable.   

But oh, how honoured I am when she graces me with her presence in the evenings. 
I know my place. 
I remain ever her humble servant.


  1. You gotta know your place. As I know mine.

    1. ...are you feeling only half as grateful or does the fluffy boy demand double the respect now?

  2. great post. great pictures (especially the last one lol). It makes me miss my cat and all her annoying habits of walking on the keyboard while I was typing, and stealing all the covers)

    1. ah yes.... there are often long lines of random numbers and letters in my work courtesy of her typing assistance...

  3. Love this post. Made me miss my old cat. She could intuit my feelings with great accuracy and act accordingly. Kitty snuggles.

    1. thnx for the comment... lovely to have a reader or two... I appreciate your dropping by

  4. I am not a cat guy, just don't understand them but maybe that is because I don't like being tolerated or ignored. :)

    1. well, yes... there is that... dogs are so much less judgmental ...

    2. ...and i shoudl have said a massive thank you for not only reading, but also commenting.... much appreciated
